Translate Ukrainian birth certificate - свідоцтво про народженн

Teenager on train has Ukrainian passport in hand - b24 guide translate Ukrainian birth certificate.png

A translated and notarized Ukrainian birth certificate may be necessary for various reasons - especially if you intend to live, work or apply for asylum in Germany. We would like to help you get an overview of the necessity and process of birth certificate certification.

What you'll learn in the guide:

1. why do people from Ukraine need certified translations of their birth certificate in Germany?

2. does the Ukrainian original have to be presented?

3. is the translated birth certificate needed for anything else besides the residence permit?

4. are the translations recognized in Germany?

5) What are the special requirements for Ukrainian birth certificates?

6. what steps are required to order a certified translation of a Ukrainian birth certificate on Begalubigung24? / Що потрібно зробити, щоб замовити засвідчений переклад українського свідоцтва про народження на сайті Beglaubigung24?

7. how long does it take to translate into Ukrainian?


1. why do people from Ukraine need certified translations of their birth certificate in Germany?

People from Ukraine may need a certified translation of their birth certificate in Germany for various reasons. It may be necessary for applying for a residence permit, for recognition of educational qualifications, for marriage applications, for registration with social security institutions, for job applications or for registering children in schools. In this regard, German authorities attach great importance to a professional and certified translation of official documents.


2. must the original be presented?

In short, yes.
As a rule, it is necessary to present the original document so that the translation can be certified. This ensures that the translated document matches the original.


3. is the translated birth certificate needed for anything else besides the residence permit?

In addition to applying for a residence permit, there are other reasons for a certified translation. A translated birth certificate may also be necessary for marriage applications, recognition of foreign educational qualifications, job applications, registration with social security institutions or registration of children in schools.


4. are the translations recognized in Germany?

Yes, certified translations prepared by a publicly appointed and sworn translator in Germany are recognized and legally binding in Germany. 


5. what are the peculiarities of Ukrainian birth certificates?

As a rule, Ukrainian birth certificates contain detailed information, such as the place of birth and the full name of the parents. In some cases, these certificates may also contain additional information, such as the citizenship of the parents.


6. what steps are required to order a certified translation of a Ukrainian birth certificate on Beglaubigung24 ? / 

Що потрібно зробити, щоб замовити засвідчений переклад українського свідоцтва про народження на сайті Beglaubigung24?

You can easily order a Ukrainian birth certificate at Beglaubigung24 , just follow these steps:
  1. Follow this link to the page "Have your birth certificate translated".
  2. Select the desired languages there - in this case it is "Ukrainian" as source language and "German" as target language
  3. Upload a scanned copy of your original birth certificate
  4. Enter the Latin spelling of all names in the document using the form field with
  5. Add your order to the shopping cart
  6. In the shopping cart you only have to enter your shipping information and desired payment method and you can place the order.

Ви можете легко замовити свідоцтво про народження українською на Belaubigung24, просто виконавши наступні дії:

  1. Перейдіть за цим посиланням на сторінку birth certificate translated ("Замовити переклад свідоцтва про народження").
  2. Виберіть потрібні мови - у даному випадку українську як мову оригіналу та німецьку як мову перекладу.
  3. Завантажте відскановану копію оригіналу свідоцтва про народження.
  4. Введіть латинське написання всіх імен і прізвищ у документі у відповідному полі.
  5. Помістіть своє замовлення в кошик.
  6. У кошику потрібно лише ввести дані для відправлення та бажаний спосіб оплати, після чого ви можете оформити замовлення.


Have your documents translated now – at Beglaubigung24:


7. how long does the translation into Ukrainian take?

The duration of a certified translation can vary and depends on the length of the document and the size of the order. However, as a rule, a certified translation of your birth certificate should be completed within 3 days. Our Ukrainian translators always make every effort to complete your certified translation as quickly as possible.


We hope this guide has answered your most important questions about Ukrainian birth certificates in Germany. The translation of your birth certificate is an important step on the way to a smooth stay in Germany. We wish you all the best and much success.


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