Adventure semester abroad - how to plan it right!

Opened laptop with a world map to order the necessary certified translations online for the semester abroad

Do you also dream of a semester abroad? The opportunity to study in another country, discover new cultures and broaden your horizons sounds tempting, doesn't it?

But before you rush headlong into the adventure, you should bear in mind that good preparation is the key to success. That's why we want to show you how you can start planning a year in advance to make your semester abroad an unforgettable experience.

Timeline for planning your semester abroad

Months before the semester abroad Tasks
12 months before Select destination country and program
10 months before Select and apply for a university
8 months before Clarify financing
6 months before Refresh or learn language skills
4 months before Apply for a visa
3 months before Health preparations
2 months before House hunting and travel planning
1 month before Packing and saying goodbye

Overall, careful planning and preparation is the key to a successful semester abroad. Start planning a year in advance and follow this timeline to make sure you are well prepared and ready for your adventure abroad. Good luck!


Choose your destination country and program: Match your interests and opportunities

The first step on the way to your semester abroad is choosing your destination country and study program. Think about which countries and universities best suit your interests and your field of study. Research the various options thoroughly and think about your financial possibilities. Professional and certified translations of information on study programs can be very helpful here.

Selecting and applying to a university: Set priorities and apply on time

Once you have decided on a destination country and a study program, it's time to choose the right university and apply. This step is crucial, as the university you choose to study at will have a significant impact on your experience abroad. But be careful: the application process can vary greatly depending on the country and university, and often all documents are required in the local language.

This is when certified translations come into play. Many universities and educational institutions require your application documents to be submitted in the official language of the target country. This means that you may need to have certificates, diplomas and other documents translated into the local language. These translations must not only be correct, but also notarized in order to be accepted by the educational institutions: Explore scholarships and financial support options

Studying abroad can be expensive, so it's important to sort out your finances. Research scholarships and other financial aid options that may be available to you. Make sure you submit all necessary applications on time to get the best possible financial support.

Refresh or learn language skills: for better integration and academic success

Depending on the destination country and study program, it may be necessary to have certain language skills. If you do not speak the local language, it is advisable to take language courses at an early stage to ensure better integration and a successful course of study.

Applying for a visa: in good time and with all the necessary documents

The visa application process can be time-consuming, so you should tackle this step in good time. Make sure you have prepared all the necessary documents and submit the visa application early enough to avoid unnecessary stress. Certified translations can be particularly helpful here, as they speed up the processing of your visa application and prevent potential delays.

The authorities in the destination country may need to be able to understand all documents in their official language in order to review your application. If your documents are written in another language, it is necessary to include certified translations. These translations are made by a certified translator and are officially recognized.
The exact requirements for a visa vary depending on the destination country and your personal status. As a rule, however, you will need the following documents:

  1. Passport: Make sure that your passport is valid for at least six months after your planned return date.
  2. Visa application form: Fill out the visa application form of the destination country carefully and completely. You can often find this form on the website of the embassy or consulate of the destination country.
  3. Passport photos: Obtain up-to-date passport photos according to the requirements of the destination country. These requirements may also differ, so inform yourself in advance.
  4. Proof of enrollment: Proof of your enrollment or admission at the foreign university is often required. This can be a letter of admission or proof of enrollment.
  5. Proof of finances: To ensure that you are financially secure during your stay, you will often need to provide proof of finances such as bank statements or proof of funding.
  6. Proof of accommodation: A rental contract or confirmation of your accommodation in the destination country may also be required.
  7. Proof of health: Depending on the country, proof of health such as a medical certificate or proof of vaccination may also be required.
  8. Proof of insurance: Proof of adequate health insurance in the destination country may be required.

It is important to find out in good time from the embassy or consulate of the destination country which specific documents and papers are required for the visa application. Also note the processing times, as these can vary depending on the country. The visa application is usually submitted to the embassy or consulate of the destination country in your home country. Make sure that you submit all documents completely and correctly to avoid delays or rejections.

Health preparations: Vaccinations and medical check-ups

Your health is of the utmost importance during your semester abroad. Find out about the required vaccinations and carry out all necessary medical check-ups to ensure that you are as prepared as possible.

In many countries, a certified translation of your medical documents and proof of vaccination may be required. As health regulations vary around the world, it is important to ensure that all your documents are in the local language or in a language accepted by the destination country. Notarized translations ensure that your medical information is accurate and understandable, which is crucial for your safety and the smooth handling of healthcare matters abroad.

House hunting and travel planning: finding accommodation and booking flights

Finding suitable accommodation and booking your flight should be done several months before your departure. Don't forget to start looking for accommodation in good time to find the best options. Notarized translations of your important documents, such as salary statements, financing certificates or enrollment certificates, can be crucial to show landlords that you are a reliable tenant. These translations confirm the authenticity of your documents and increase your chances of finding accommodation in your target country.

Pack and say goodbye: Pack everything you need and enjoy the anticipation

Shortly before you leave, it's time to pack everything you need and say goodbye to your friends and home. Enjoy the anticipation of your adventure abroad and be ready for an exciting time.

Here is a little packing guide from us to make your semester abroad a complete success:

Here is a comprehensive packing list to help you prepare for your stay:


  • Passport (with any visas)
  • Student ID and certificate of enrollment
  • Driver's license and international driver's license (if planning to drive)
  • Flight tickets and travel documents
  • Copies of all important documents (both physical and digital)
  • Insurance cards (health and travel insurance)
  • Emergency contacts and addresses


  • Clothing adapted to the climatic conditions of the host country
  • Comfortable travel clothing
  • Underwear and socks
  • Sleeping clothes
  • Sportswear and shoes
  • Formal wear for special occasions
  • Shoes (casual shoes, formal shoes, possibly hiking boots)


  • Laptop/tablet and charger
  • Smartphone and charger
  • Adapter for sockets abroad
  • Headphones or earplugs
  • Camera and accessories, if applicable

Personal items

  • First-aid kit (incl. personal medication)
  • Hygiene articles (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, etc.)
  • Quick-drying towel
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Glasses and/or contact lenses with care products

Study materials

  • Notebooks and stationery
  • Textbooks and study materials (if not available digitally)
  • Backpack or bag for university


  • Travel guide and maps of the host country
  • Small backpack or bag for day trips
  • Travel lock and labels for luggage
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Flashlight or headlamp


  • Gifts for new friends or host family
  • Favorite books or games
  • Travel diary

Packing tips

  • Check the baggage policy of your airline
  • Pack lightly and efficiently, think about the possibility of buying things locally
  • Label your luggage clearly with your name and address
  • Find out about local conditions and cultural differences
  • Download important apps (translator, maps, transportation)

Overall, careful planning and preparation is the key to a successful semester abroad. Start planning a year in advance and follow the timeline above to make sure you are well prepared and ready for your adventure abroad. Good luck!

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